• E_book Concrete Technology

E_book Concrete Technology

  • ₹ 399.00

Book Detail
Authored By S.V. Deodhar
Publication Year 2021
ISBN-13 978-8194538097
Edition 1st
Pages 699
Preface This textbook “Concrete Technology” begins with the common terms used in concrete technology and gradually provides all details of concrete and concreting fundamentals properties,its manufacture, importance, various theories i.e., theory of hardening, tests, design principle with examples. This book also includes Nondescturctive testing of concrete, concrete mix design, supervision and quality control, which is gaining more attention in all construction projects. A separate chapter on prefabrication of concrete based on guidelines of National Building Code has been given. Towards end variety of objective type of Questions and Answers for the examination point of view has been given to prepare the students for competitive examinations and for better understanding of the subject matter. This book will be useful text for the students of Engineering.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Concrete technology 3. Cement 4. Aggregate 5. Water 6. Admixtures 7. Forms of concrete structure 8. Concrete 9. Concreting under special conditions 10. Types of concrete 11. Properties and testing of concrete 12. Cracks in concrete 13. Non-destructive testing of concrete 14. Principles of concrete mix design 15. Supervision and Quality control 16. Prefabrication of concrete