Mechanical Engineering (Conventional and Objective Type Questions & Answers with Explanations)
- Author Dr. Sadhu Singh
- ISBN: 8174092064
₹ 699.00
Book Detail | |
What's special / Useful in this book | The book contains 31 chapters. It has been divided into Industrial Engineering, Metrology and Quality Control, Fabrication Processes, Casting Technology, Metal forming Processes, Metal Machining Technology, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Engineering materials, Material Science & Measurements and Instrumentation. |
Publication Year | 1995 |
ISBN-13 | 9788174092069 |
Edition | 2nd |
Pages | 935 |
Preface(continue) | It is hoped that the book shall be very useful to every mechanical engineer, whether in the field of teaching or in the research institutes. I express my sincere thanks to all authors and students whose work has been consulted and reproduced in the book. It has been possible to cite references to the vast literature consulted in preparing the book. From time to time, through several attempt has been made to cover up maximum possible type of questions and also to cover as much area of mechanical engineering. In order to enable quick review of the subject, important facts and information have been provided initially in the form of various chapters followed by statements/definitions of most of the commonly used terms. Multiple choice questions have been provided thereafter chapterwise and answers provided thereafter. The book has also been revised completely in accordance with the valuable suggestions received from the students as well as from the aspirants of the competitive examinations. Although every effort is made to make it error free; errors are inevitable in work of this magnitude. I look forward for the constructive comments, suggestions for improvement and correction. |
Preface | |
Preface | This book has been thoroughly Revised and Updated as per the latest questions and answers with explanations. The questions and answer portion has been enlarged to include latest type of questions for interview. These have been arranged subject wise. It is hoped that students will find the new arrangement more Useful. |
Table of Contents | |
Table of Contents | 1. Enginering Mechanics 2. Strength of Materials 3. Theory of Machines 4. Mechanical Vibrations 5. Machine Design 6. Engineering Materials and Material Science 7. Measurements and Instrumentation 8. Fluid Mechanics 9. Hydraulic Machines 10. Thermodynamics 11. Internal Combustion Engines 12. Renewable Energy Sources 13. Steam Engineering 14. Turbomachinery 15. Power Plant Technology 16. Heat Transfer 17. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning 18. Metal Machining Technology 19. Machine Tool Technology 20. Metal Forming Processes 21. Casting Technology 22. Fabrication Processes 23. Metrology and Quality Control 24. Industrial Engineering 25. Miscellaneous Questions 26. Quiz Questions 27. Matching Type Questions 28. Fill in the Blanks 29. True and False 30. Assertion and Reasoning 31. Preparing for Competitive Examinations. |