E_Book Public Administration For All Indian Universities MA Entrance Examination
- Author Complied by: Khanna Editorial Team
- ISBN: 978-81-935585-5-3
₹ 369.00
Book Detail | |
Publication Year | 2017 |
ISBN-13 | 978-81-935585-5-3 |
Language | English |
Edition | 2nd |
Pages | 408 |
Preface | |
Preface | The book has been designed for the students who are aspiring for Public Administration MA Entrance Examination of various Indian Universities. This book is also useful for other competitive examination such as UGC-NET/SET/UPSC. It presents a very interesting set of explanations about the various administration. This book attempts to explain how decisions in government are made as well as administrating projects to carry out those decisions. A public administration degree prepare international students for a career in government or nonprofit work. Studying public administration can be an extremely rewarding experience for anyone looking to give back to their community by solving difficult problems. This book covers all the topics in a comprehensive manner. It attempts to decipher how decisions in government are made as well as well as administrating government projects to carry out those decisions. A diverse background is required for the degree, with classes in public policy, management, sociology, and political theory. The text deals with the important field of public administration and very useful for the students. The main purpose of the book is to show come of the educational possibilities and at the same time to describe the theories of local, state and union government so that students take advantage. The book has been written in simple and lucid language. Salient Features *Key-Terms given at the beginning of each chapter *Written in simple and lucid language *Topics covered in detail and comprehensive manner *Multiple Choice Questions have been given at the end of every chapter *Three solved practice sets and one solved paper given at the end of the book *Accurate and factual description. Although every attempt has been made to make this book student friendly. At the end, we wish to acknowledge most gratefully the helpful criticisms and suggestions received from teachers and students during the progress of the work. Any suggestions made by the students to improve the usefulness of the book are welcomed. |
Table of Contents | |
Table of Contents | *An Introduction to Public Administration * The Concept of Organisation * Theories of Administration * Administrative Behaviour * Accountability and Control * Comparative Administrative Systems * Personnel Administration * Financial Administration * Union Government & Administration * Civil Services in India * State and District Administration * Local Administration in India * Practice Sets 1,2,3 * Solved Paper 2016(BHU) |