• Basics of Iron Making

Basics of Iron Making

  • ₹ 189.00

Book Detail
About The Author's Author is M•Tech from IIT Kharagpur •He is pioneer in the field of iron Technology •During his service tenure,he has tackled various problems related to iron making •He has published papers in technical magagines and produced technical papers in seminars• He is a regular faculty members in HRD programmes for graduate engineers and skill development courses conducted by central governments • His first book in metallurgy for comptitive test was published forty years back from this publication• Author has written two books in Hindi to promote Rastrabhasa in technical field •These are Basic Foundry practice and Basic Welding practice for diploma students and industry workers • Author is recipient of several awards for record production and and quality product•
What's special / Useful in this book This book describes the Technology of Iron Making as well as the practical aspects of the processes involved in the production. • This book includes Blast Furnace Plant and Processes, Hot Blast Stores, Raw Materials for Iron Making, Fuel, Burden Distribution and Preparation, Properties of Blast Furnace Charge Materials, Operations, Refractories and Accessories, DRI, EAF and SR processes. This book covers the syllabus of B. Tech (Metallurgy) and will be very helpful for AMIE, AIIM, Diploma students of Metallurgy and other competitions.
Publication Year 2023
ISBN-13 978-93-92549-41-0
Language English
Edition 1st (First) Reprint 2024
Pages 164
Preface Production of iron largely depends upon the technical knowledge and practical experiences of the furnace operator. It is observed that in a steel plant two similar blast furnaces do not behave in similar fashion, although same facility is provided to each furnace. This descripancy is tried to solve by both practical and technical skills. In this book, I have tried to describe the basic technology of iron making as well as the practical aspects of the processes involved in the production. This book covers the syllabus of B. Tech (Metallurgy). This book will be very helpful for A.MI.E., A.I.I.M. and diploma students of metallurgy. I am indebted to Sri Kratu Khanna and Sri Kumar Sandip of Khanna Publishers, who encouraged me a lot to write this book.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1. History of Iron Making 2. Blast Furnace Plant and Processes 3. Raw Materials for Iron Making 4. Blast Furnace Fuel-Coke 5. Burden Distribution and Preparation 6. Characteristics Properties of B.F. Charge Materials 7. Blast Furnace Operations 8. Blast Furnace Refractories and Related Accessories 9. Blast Furnace reactions (Physical, Chemical and thermal Aspects) 10. Blast Furnace irregularities 11. Recent Trends in Blast Furnace practices 12. Alternative Method of Iron Production (DRI Processes) 13. Alternative Method of Iron Production (EAF Process) 14. Alternative Method of Iron Production 15. Few Practical Aspects of Iron Making